Jun 9, 2024


"I am crying because there
are oceans in me, and I might 
finally be learning to swim." 
~Mary Kate Teske

Teske elucidates, in one fell
swoop, my feelings exactly.

Seems while finally coming
to edges of understanding . . .
I'm closer to the other side
than this one. 

My heart bleeds . . .  

I openly admit, knowledge 
is ever and always better 
than lack thereof! Only wish 
I'd come into a bit more of 
it earlier on.

As the most unbalanced
Libra I have ever known, 
times I require the hands 
on approach whilst others, 
I do just fine with taking
things on faith. 

Guess that means, have to
take on faith that I'll have
a bit longer to try this lately
acquired wisdom on for size. 

Wish me well . . .

 - - -

"Faith is the substance of 
things hoped for, the evidence 
of things not seen." Heb 11:1

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