Jun 3, 2024


"Life is not measured by the
number of breaths we take, but
by the number of moments that
take our breath away." Anonymous

Methinks, I needed reminding!

Casting my mind back . . .

-The day I took my son up
in a hot air balloon! Wow!! 
Just W O W !!!

-My two year old daughter coming
over to the couch and asking me
in her little baby voice if I was sad. 
To this day, she is an empath of the
highest order.

-My guy waking me up in the middle
of the night, insisting we go out and
get in the pickup. Crazy, right?! 
Drove us to the lake and we sat there 
in amazement at the beauty of the 
full moon.

-The day I turned 13, my dad told
me it was now time I knew I was a

-I found out I was having a girl to 
be born on my mom's b-day. I gave
my baby her grandma's name.

-Only four years old, my son told
me he was not to be interrupted or
disturbed when working as he was
an artist. https://www.luiferreyra.com/

I am ever so grateful for memories. 
Indeed, I am much blest!

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