Jun 7, 2024


"I do not go to the forest to be
alone, I go to be with the ones
who speak without human words."
~Flying Edna

Ever and always so fortunate 
to live at the very edge of the 
forest; make no mistake!

Although I no longer feel
comfortable climbing up
through the trees, my eyes
behold the beauty of the
forest every single day. 

I'm also grateful that there 
are so many trees on my own 
property. The glory of sitting
by or under, drawing breath
and giving thanks, perfection!

I find myself on these warm
spring days simply gazing. 
Such beauty! I am always 
blown away by how different
each of the trees are. Rather
fun to look at them individually
and then in clusters and back

Were I to wish you anything,
it would be sit a spell under
my fave tree in the quiet of
the early eve. You would find
both beauty and healing. Joy
would find its way into your

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