Jun 11, 2024


"The wild feminine rises 
when the people pleasing 
maiden is put to rest." 

Wow! Just W O W !!!

Seems to me, we gals were
reared to be people pleasers.
I think it's different for men 
as they seem to be less 
bothered by the niceties 
expected of us.

It occurs to moi, 'tis vestiges
of yesteryear that drive us to
be nice. How I hate that word!

I like; kind, decent, thoughtful,
lovely, interesting . . . but lose
the nice already! So mundane!
If the word were put on my
tombstone, I'd rise from the 
dead and haunt whoever put it 

Bottom line . . . time to grow 
up, become who we are meant 
to be. Be those many wondrous 
adjectives that move you, ever 
remembering nice is for maidens 
and you're a grown up now!

Methinks a little nice goes
a long way . . . Let's make it
more interesting!

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