Jun 1, 2024


"Stillness is the altar of Spirit."
~Yoganiahansa Yogananda

I hear this, I really do! Alas, 
I'm one of those, can't sit still

My fam and friends will attest . . .
I'm up and down, moving in my
chair, changing positions, taking
things into the kitchen. Methinks,
I must drive everyone nuts!!!

I truly am trying . . . something
that works somewhat is sitting
alone in front of a quiet fire. I
simply look into the heart of it
until it stills my soul.

The thing is though, one can't
always have a fire to look into.
I need to figure out other ways
to still myself, my soul.

I'm going to try a certain chair,
reading some inspirational lit,
quieting myself in my mind. I
think I'll be able to learn to still
my soul, myself if I make a
concerted effort.

I certainly am going to try; 
wish me luck!

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