Jun 8, 2024


"Where are all the people 
who want little cottages in 
the woods with shelves full 
of books and gardens full of
herbs?" ~Brooke Hampton

She only forgot the ice cold

Under my fave tree . . . 
w/my fave peeps and don't
think for a sec that I forget 
my ice cold beer.

I look around and actually
feel, nay know for certain, 
we're living in a tiny piece 
of paradise.

Love spring, the fire circles, 
comfy chairs, star lit nights,
and maybe even that fear a
bear or two might join us.

Ice cream is more fun than
cooking. Reading cards adds
to the mystery. And, never
forget the joy of catching up.

Indeed, I do sing the praises
of living in a little cabin in
the woods!

Want a beer?

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