Jun 13, 2024


"If it's out of your hands, it
deserves freedom from your
mind too." Peaceloveandcoffee

Not certain if this is a warning,
an idea, or a promise . . .

I get it, I really do. But, although
the wars in today's world cannot
be helped by me, they are on my
mind. No, I can't do anything
about them, but I do hold these
ever so unfortunate souls in my

Alas, I don't know my neighbors.
Still, I smile and wave. Rather
makes me think, on some level 
we choose our battles. There are
limitations, maybe not even of
our making.

Obviously, we can help on certain
levels . . . letters, donations, prayer.
Easier to help our fams and friends
when they need it or ask.

Methinks the quote, well intended
it may have been, is wrong. Might
be better said, "If it's out of your
hands, do what you can . . . "

Need to give this some thought
and see where I can lend a hand.

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