Jun 19, 2024


Yesterday, my guy and I did
an emergency run to the market 
to pick up a few must haves.

At checkout, our fave checker
came over and said, "Well, if it 
isn't my favorite old hippies?!"

The gal we were checking out
with said, "It's my turn, I get
them today." There ensued jokes,
laughter, compliments. Such fun!

In a world that largely ignores
anyone over 60, I found this tiny
moment in time most delightful.

Of course, it's always lovely to be 
recognized . . . a kind of honoring,
if you will.

Alas, we live in a world today that
leans toward the cookie cutter; thin,
young, endowed, beautiful, rich?!

Indeed, an overstatement, but to
make a point, I exaggerate a tad.

I say, let's all make a point of
recognizing those outside the box,
or even no box in sight!

Yayyyyy for excentricity!!! 

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