Jun 26, 2024


"Your legacy is every life you've 
ever touched." ~Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou has always gifted
us with both beauty and wisdom
through her words.

In her above gift to us, I find the 
reverse even more compelling . . . 
every life that has ever touched 

As my own time nears an end,
I find myself pondering exactly
this . . .

-that older woman who helped
me up from the floor at Walmart
-those fun remarks from two
crazy checkers at Safeway
-drivers braking so I could walk
in front of them 
-unexpected compliments from
people on the street

Obviously, these are those little
bits and pieces from the unknown,
whereas one can't even begin to
enumerate those gifts from fam
and friends.

Thinking about this makes me
want to honor Maya's words . . .

Get my ass out there and make
a difference already!!!

Jun 25, 2024


Found myself in a bit of a mood
yesterday. From there, I headed
down memory lane.

Sooooo miss teaching, but no,
I don't miss the drive. I always
left the house at 5:00 am sharp.
It took me five highways to get
to work. Just imagine!

-GG Canyon





As I taught at Adams 14 for 23
years, three at the middle school
and 20 at the high school, I could
have driven the route blindfolded.

So, my day in the classroom began
at 6:30 and ended around 3:30.

Still, I miss the kids . . . who are 
now adults with their own families.
'Tis a joy to see them on FB from
time to time.

Actually miss the f-ing hell out of
them!!! Sooooo NOT kidding!

Jun 24, 2024


Been pondering self-selected
slaveries of late . . . and maybe
even what to do about them.

Seems to be so many . . . jobs,
work, marriages and or status, 
to name a few.

I've always considered my job
to be that for which I am paid
and work to be that for which
I am not. 

Best thing I ever did . . . my
kids! Adore the hell out of
them and that means the lot!
Linda and Lui, Pete and Katie,
Sarah, Miah, Zak and Chris!
'Tis the best gift marriage 
ever gives; make no mistake.

Ever so grateful that I liked,
loved, adored, enjoyed, my
40 years of teaching in two
countries! I wouldn't change
a thing, not for love nor

Now jobs . . . something else
indeed! Do I cook or not? 
Invite guests? Do the dishes?
Clean the house? Write my

Now that I'm nigh onto a 100,
I think I'm better about jobs.
I don't cook if I don't feel like
it. I wash dishes only once a
day and write my blog every
day come hell or high water.

Methinks I'll keep my little
slaveries like my kids, FACs
with friends and my blog.

Anything else may have to
fight for my attention!

Jun 23, 2024


"A wise woman is an ageless
beauty who honors and nurtures
the feminine energy in herself 
as well as all living things."
~American Indian

Dealing with the aging process
brings about mixed feelings,
make no mistake.

If one is intelligent at all, it
bears recognizing that aging is
far preferable to its alternative.

Having said that . . . the aching 
knees, the hurting back, the
slower pace . . . are indeed the
other side of the coin.

Still, I glory in being alive. 
What a gift! We've all lost fam
and friends far younger than

I must make a commitment to
live life, rather than simply exist.

Just enjoy! Simply enjoy!!!

Jun 22, 2024


"Imagine being bitten by a 
snake and instead of focusing 
on healing and recovering from
the poison, you're consumed
with finding the snake to explain
why it hurt you and to prove 
that you didn't deserve it. 

This isn't about the snake!" 

Found this incredible bit of
wisdom this early morn. Wow!
Rather wish I'd had this starting
about the time I was a kid!

Having grown up in the 50's
and being about a 100 now, I
think we've lost the practicality
of then, and moved on to the 
more sophisticated of now.

Naught wrong with either. Still,
methinks a bit of balance is in

This from the most unbalanced
Libra I know . . . Still, bears
thinking about!

Jun 21, 2024


question your journey
someone else does."
~Tiffany Aurora,
The Wild Keeps Her Holy

We all do this! I know we do!
I think of the time I've wasted
on what ifs; rather makes me 

I do enjoy looking back at 
my life, but I don't live there.
I even like planning ahead . . .
but, I'm making a conscious
effort to live in the present.

So today, first day after our
Summer Solstice celebration,
I am going to take TA's advice
and cease questioning my 
journey. Secondly, although 
I may love my memories, I
will make every effort to live
in and enjoy the present.

 - - -

Tiffany Aurora is a poet, lyricist,
contralto and artist. She loves
nature, swimming and all things
Harry Potter. Google Books

Jun 20, 2024

06/20/2024 - Summer Solstice

A Summer Solstice Blessing

"As the sun spirals its longest dance, 
cleanse us.
As nature shows bounty and fertility, 
bless us. 
Let all things live with loving intent 
and to fulfill their truest destiny."
A little bit witchy - A little bit hippie

Just shy of 3:00 this afternoon,
Summer will be peaking its 
shining head over the horizon.

Sooooo love summer! Seems 
I wait forever for him to come 
knocking and then he's gone 
in a blink of an eye. When I'm 
queen of the Universe, we'll 
have two summers and loose 
winter altogether! Vote for me?

Albeit summer is your fave
season or not, do enjoy it 
to the fullest. Swim, dance,
picnic, tell fireside tales and
raise a toast to his lovely 
warmth and beauty.


Jun 19, 2024


Yesterday, my guy and I did
an emergency run to the market 
to pick up a few must haves.

At checkout, our fave checker
came over and said, "Well, if it 
isn't my favorite old hippies?!"

The gal we were checking out
with said, "It's my turn, I get
them today." There ensued jokes,
laughter, compliments. Such fun!

In a world that largely ignores
anyone over 60, I found this tiny
moment in time most delightful.

Of course, it's always lovely to be 
recognized . . . a kind of honoring,
if you will.

Alas, we live in a world today that
leans toward the cookie cutter; thin,
young, endowed, beautiful, rich?!

Indeed, an overstatement, but to
make a point, I exaggerate a tad.

I say, let's all make a point of
recognizing those outside the box,
or even no box in sight!

Yayyyyy for excentricity!!! 

Jun 18, 2024


"May the joy of simple things
color the canvas of your soul."
~mary davis

Yesterday, we sat outside for
the entire day. It was hot, make
no mistake. I'd say 85° - ish.

We saw three or four different
kind of butterflies. Hummers,
Robins, Black Cap Chickadees
were on the menu along with
one other kind I didn't recognize. 
Sooooo enjoyed the different 
songs sung.

'Twas so hard to go back inside,
we simply snacked and stayed.
Hell, we may have never come
back in if we hadn't run out of

Bottom line, first Spring in CO
in many a year that lasted more
than a couple of weeks . . . 

 . . . ever so grateful!!!

Jun 17, 2024


"There is ecstasy in paying
attention." ~Anne Lamott

I simply cannot believe how
much we take life for granted.
A gift not given to many . . .
I so need to pay attention.

Yesterday, we sat outside after
planting my gift of flowers.
'Twas Father's Day, a gorgeous
spring day, neighbors came by,
and shared cold beers.

I sat there, just looking at our
friends, and the perfection of
the day. Wow! Just WOW!!!
'Twas as if the gods conspired
to give Colorado dads the day
of their lives.

In this mode, I looked around
at this small scene in front of
my cabin. I felt such gratitude!
I just wanted to embrace the
moment and hug everyone.

Of course, they would have
thought I was crazy! Or, just
maybe their used to my crazy
by now!

 - - -

Anne Lamott is an American
novelist and nonfiction writer.
She is a progressive political
activist, speaker, and writing 
teacher. Lamott is based in 
Marin County, CA. Her non-
fiction works are largely
biographical. 1954-  Wikipedia

Jun 16, 2024

06/16/2024 - Father's Day

Chester Jennings, 1920 - 1992

No actual need for Father's Day
to remember mine . . . Still, it's
nice to have a special time ear
marked for celebration.

I can't think of my dad without
remembering camping trips,
road trips, drives . . .

I remember he'd pile us into the
car, ask for our silence, put on
some music and take off up the

I remember him at work. He was
a phenomenal carpenter although
he was a mason at work. He made
sure I stood at a safe distance and
then I could watch as long as I

Loved going canoeing with him.
Of course, he built his own. I got
to watch the miracle of its coming
into existence and then go with
dad on a lake.

I am ever so grateful that I got to
spend time with him as an adult.
He was such an interesting man, 
a true eccentric. His conversations 
were most interesting, knowledge
real. It was impossible to be in his
presence without learning.

Oh, how I miss him . . . 

Jun 15, 2024


"I just like to be quiet
I'm not sad,
I'm not mad,
I just want to be quiet and
look at the rain."

I wouldn't necessarily say I'm
a quiet person. Having admitted
that, this poem really speaks to
me on several levels.

It's important to acknowledge 
several points, nonetheless. 
We rarely acknowledge our
feelings, or lack thereof.

We're so busy existing, quote, 
unquote, that we have precious
little time for actual living!

I'm taking a lesson here . . .

There are important lessons to
be learned in the quiet. Add in
rain and we're talking perfection.

I find myself longing . . .

Jun 14, 2024


My guy rocks, he really does!

At 12:00 sharp, he shakes my
shoulder and says, "You have 
to get up, now! Go downstairs 
and look at the moon. It's way
beyond fabulous."

Half stumbling with sleep, I
clung to the banister and made
my way down. 

Ohhhhh, it was so worth it!

The moon was bright yellow,
half-way hidden by the clouds,
branches dancing seductively 
in front.

Frankly, I don't think I've ever
seen anything like it. Tears rose
in my eyes, laughter to my lips.

I ran back and forth 'twixt and
'tween the two windows that
afforded me a look-see. 

Wow! Just WOW!!! 

And then, it was gone. Lunar
Lady disappeared from my 
sight. I felt so blest to have 
seen her. I so owe my guy!

Naught in this world like 
our Lunar Lady . . .

Jun 13, 2024


"If it's out of your hands, it
deserves freedom from your
mind too." Peaceloveandcoffee

Not certain if this is a warning,
an idea, or a promise . . .

I get it, I really do. But, although
the wars in today's world cannot
be helped by me, they are on my
mind. No, I can't do anything
about them, but I do hold these
ever so unfortunate souls in my

Alas, I don't know my neighbors.
Still, I smile and wave. Rather
makes me think, on some level 
we choose our battles. There are
limitations, maybe not even of
our making.

Obviously, we can help on certain
levels . . . letters, donations, prayer.
Easier to help our fams and friends
when they need it or ask.

Methinks the quote, well intended
it may have been, is wrong. Might
be better said, "If it's out of your
hands, do what you can . . . "

Need to give this some thought
and see where I can lend a hand.

Jun 12, 2024


"So much joy can be found 
in slowing down." ~Emily Ley

Really never thought about it
until my caring sojourn with
mom ended after three and a
half years.

Methinks there is naught quite
like retirement. Wow!

So enjoy stories of old timers
who hit the road in their travel
trailers or motor homes. Others
go North or South, driving or
flying to other cities and nations.

For us, it's more about staying
home and enjoying this tiny,
tiny145 year old cabin. Shade
trees, cold brewskies, friends
and fam stopping by. Might 
not be Europe or Asia but it's 
ole West welcome home and 
we love it!!!

For one thing, ever so glad there's
joy to be found in slowing down.
Don't think for a moment I could
go any faster! 

Come on over and sit a spell . . .

(Oh my God, that sooooo sounds
like my gran!!!)

Jun 11, 2024


"The wild feminine rises 
when the people pleasing 
maiden is put to rest." 

Wow! Just W O W !!!

Seems to me, we gals were
reared to be people pleasers.
I think it's different for men 
as they seem to be less 
bothered by the niceties 
expected of us.

It occurs to moi, 'tis vestiges
of yesteryear that drive us to
be nice. How I hate that word!

I like; kind, decent, thoughtful,
lovely, interesting . . . but lose
the nice already! So mundane!
If the word were put on my
tombstone, I'd rise from the 
dead and haunt whoever put it 

Bottom line . . . time to grow 
up, become who we are meant 
to be. Be those many wondrous 
adjectives that move you, ever 
remembering nice is for maidens 
and you're a grown up now!

Methinks a little nice goes
a long way . . . Let's make it
more interesting!

Jun 10, 2024


"We do not escape into art,
philosophy and psychology--
we go there to restore our
shattered selves into whole
ones." ~Anais Nin

Anais Nin has always moved
me; such truth in this particular
bit of wisdom.

In looking at her missive, it
seems I've misunderstood the
term, escape.

It certainly is true that we all
run away at times, or should
I say, attempt to run?! Bottom
line, it doesn't help for long.

I particularly like the idea
of running to, rather than
running from, especially to
restore our souls.

'Tis an idea must be pondered
at length.

So praying for wisdom here . . .

 - - -

Anais Nin, Angela Anais Juana
Antolina Rosa Edelmira Nin y
Culmell, known professionally
as Anais Nin, was a French-
Cuban-American diarist, essayist,
novelist and writer of short stories
and erotica. Born to Cuban parents
in France, Nin was the daughter of
composer Joaquín Nin and Rosa
Culmell, a classically trained singer.
1903 - 1977 Wikipedia

Jun 9, 2024


"I am crying because there
are oceans in me, and I might 
finally be learning to swim." 
~Mary Kate Teske

Teske elucidates, in one fell
swoop, my feelings exactly.

Seems while finally coming
to edges of understanding . . .
I'm closer to the other side
than this one. 

My heart bleeds . . .  

I openly admit, knowledge 
is ever and always better 
than lack thereof! Only wish 
I'd come into a bit more of 
it earlier on.

As the most unbalanced
Libra I have ever known, 
times I require the hands 
on approach whilst others, 
I do just fine with taking
things on faith. 

Guess that means, have to
take on faith that I'll have
a bit longer to try this lately
acquired wisdom on for size. 

Wish me well . . .

 - - -

"Faith is the substance of 
things hoped for, the evidence 
of things not seen." Heb 11:1

Jun 8, 2024


"Where are all the people 
who want little cottages in 
the woods with shelves full 
of books and gardens full of
herbs?" ~Brooke Hampton

She only forgot the ice cold

Under my fave tree . . . 
w/my fave peeps and don't
think for a sec that I forget 
my ice cold beer.

I look around and actually
feel, nay know for certain, 
we're living in a tiny piece 
of paradise.

Love spring, the fire circles, 
comfy chairs, star lit nights,
and maybe even that fear a
bear or two might join us.

Ice cream is more fun than
cooking. Reading cards adds
to the mystery. And, never
forget the joy of catching up.

Indeed, I do sing the praises
of living in a little cabin in
the woods!

Want a beer?

Jun 7, 2024


"I do not go to the forest to be
alone, I go to be with the ones
who speak without human words."
~Flying Edna

Ever and always so fortunate 
to live at the very edge of the 
forest; make no mistake!

Although I no longer feel
comfortable climbing up
through the trees, my eyes
behold the beauty of the
forest every single day. 

I'm also grateful that there 
are so many trees on my own 
property. The glory of sitting
by or under, drawing breath
and giving thanks, perfection!

I find myself on these warm
spring days simply gazing. 
Such beauty! I am always 
blown away by how different
each of the trees are. Rather
fun to look at them individually
and then in clusters and back

Were I to wish you anything,
it would be sit a spell under
my fave tree in the quiet of
the early eve. You would find
both beauty and healing. Joy
would find its way into your

Jun 6, 2024


"It does not matter how slowly
you go as long as you don't stop."
Angel Feathers Tickle Me

You may not have been able to
hide your chuckles if you had
seen my cohort in crime and I
strolling down my stone walk
this early a.m. Certainly, gave 
me a wee laugh!

I find that laughing, chuckling,
hee hawing, rolling on the floor
although I can't get back up, 'tis
much better than sobbing one's
heart out. 

Though there are times . . .

Aging is what it is and some 
of us have it better than others. 
I suppose I'm about half-way 
in between. Still stand straight 
and tall, good decent stride, 
but just ask me where I hid that 
new bottle of wine!!! Can't find 
it for love nor money!

So, if you catch me red-eyed 
with hankie in hand, just give 
me a good slap and remind me
of the alternative!

Happy! Happy!!

Jun 5, 2024


Last night, I simply couldn't
sleep . . . finally, about 4:30
or so this early a.m.

Dad used to say, "If you can't
sleep, you might try praying."

My mom always said, "Spend
the time thinking about your
life, what you're doing and
what you wish to become." 

I say, "I should have read all
night! Why didn't I?"

Think my parents might have
been on the right track! Call 
it prayer, thought, meditation,
but sleepless nights are few 
and far between, so they must
be there for a reason.

I do keep my current read by
my side and I have a fab little
light that attaches to my book.
Next time, I'm reading until
my mind urges me to thought
and meditation.

Sleep well . . . or if you can't,
rest easy!

Jun 4, 2024


"Integrity has no need of rules."
~Albert Camus

Love Camus, but had never
read this particular quote 

Makes sense, integrity is its 
own, stand alone truth. Needs
naught else!

The questions we might ask
ourselves, "Do I possess this
quality? Can people count on
my word? Do I always honor
my personal commitment to

I do find myself asking more
and more essential questions
as I approach this fab age of
75. I know I'm in that last
part of my life and I want it
to count! 

Personal integrity means a
great deal to me. Pray, I ever
and always honor this!

 - - -

Albert Camus was a French
philosopher, author, dramatist,
journalist, world federalist, 
and political activist. He was 
the recipient of the 1957 Nobel 
Prize in Literature at the age of 
44, the 2nd-youngest recipient 
in history. 1913-1960 Wikipedia

Jun 3, 2024


"Life is not measured by the
number of breaths we take, but
by the number of moments that
take our breath away." Anonymous

Methinks, I needed reminding!

Casting my mind back . . .

-The day I took my son up
in a hot air balloon! Wow!! 
Just W O W !!!

-My two year old daughter coming
over to the couch and asking me
in her little baby voice if I was sad. 
To this day, she is an empath of the
highest order.

-My guy waking me up in the middle
of the night, insisting we go out and
get in the pickup. Crazy, right?! 
Drove us to the lake and we sat there 
in amazement at the beauty of the 
full moon.

-The day I turned 13, my dad told
me it was now time I knew I was a

-I found out I was having a girl to 
be born on my mom's b-day. I gave
my baby her grandma's name.

-Only four years old, my son told
me he was not to be interrupted or
disturbed when working as he was
an artist. https://www.luiferreyra.com/

I am ever so grateful for memories. 
Indeed, I am much blest!

Jun 2, 2024

06/02/2024 - a la discombobulated. . .

"We've been there, done that, 
did it ... had it, saw it, lived it ...
and we're not done yet, it just 
takes us longer ... " Zen to Zany

If you can overlook my bitching,
I do truly love and enjoy aging!

Part of that is, it wasn't expected.
I won't go into the whys and
wherefores of that now, but I'm 
ever so glad the gods prevailed. 

I'm grateful, I'm one of the lucky
ones . . . still strait and tall, a good
stride! I even did the splits in the
kitchen yesterday. Didn't mean to,
but so what?!

Still like ice cream for breakfast!
Enjoy the occasional mimosa
instead. I do so love being naughty!
I'd rather live a little less than exist
a little longer!

Sooooo, here's to moi and all of her
crazy notions!

"Spring is sprung, the grass is riz,
wonder where all the little flowers is."

Jun 1, 2024


"Stillness is the altar of Spirit."
~Yoganiahansa Yogananda

I hear this, I really do! Alas, 
I'm one of those, can't sit still

My fam and friends will attest . . .
I'm up and down, moving in my
chair, changing positions, taking
things into the kitchen. Methinks,
I must drive everyone nuts!!!

I truly am trying . . . something
that works somewhat is sitting
alone in front of a quiet fire. I
simply look into the heart of it
until it stills my soul.

The thing is though, one can't
always have a fire to look into.
I need to figure out other ways
to still myself, my soul.

I'm going to try a certain chair,
reading some inspirational lit,
quieting myself in my mind. I
think I'll be able to learn to still
my soul, myself if I make a
concerted effort.

I certainly am going to try; 
wish me luck!


i stand 
before the accusing


in defense
of my right
to be


they sit there
in cookie cutter formation
no comprehension for the 


their loss
my gain
i rest my case

~ld jennings