Aug 1, 2022


Today marks the birth of
my paternal grandmother,
Elsie Castner . . . one of
my greatest sheros of all

One of the things I have
loved about getting older
is the recognition of those
who have come before me.

Obviously, I would not be
here were it not for my
grandmother. Having said
that, nor my great gran,
nor my great great gran.

We are all here because of
those who have gone before.
Methinks we don't tend to
pay attention to that rather
amazing fact.

And frankly, now that I'm
about a hundred years old,
I find I am more and more
interested in where I came
from. Ancestors? Traits?

I can't help but wonder . . .
What does what I learn, find
out, bring to the table? Hints
of whom I take after? Why 
do I perhaps act the way I do?
Certain interests, proclivities?

I have learned that I seem to
take after my father and his
side of the family more than 
I do my mother's. Not certain
it even matters, but I so want
to find out!

pray sit beside me
tell me a story grandma
may i hear your words

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