Aug 16, 2022


 I find myself wondering about

premonitions of late . . .

Not sure if it's an age thing, an
ld thing, a sleepless night thing,
go figure!

I've ever and always had them,
most of them coming true. But,
did I just make sure they did?
Or, was it just luck of the draw?
No idea, really!

Sometimes, it's simply about the
weather; no biggie! Other times,
I sense something is wrong and
I have to run down the catalog
pages of my brain until I hit one
that might be the problem. 

Usually, I address it right away
and yes, there is often something
that needs addressing. Maybe
that's a good thing.

The premonition I find somewhat
unnerving is that I'm not long for
this world. Not bad really, I've
lived five years beyond what the
docs gave me after three days
testing at the hospital. And five
years is nothing to be sneered at!

Not looking for sympathy; might 
not even be true. Just addressing 
my precog deets!

I get a kick out of that old story
where Mr. Death goes to the right
address to pick up his next on the
list. The man doesn't happen to be
home, so Mr. Death goes next door.
Not finding who he came for, he says,
"I'll just take this guy instead." And,
of course it's the right guy just out
visiting his next door neighbor.

im on my way home
finding myself curious
pray when will it be

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