Aug 16, 2022


Find myself wondering about 
this whole, getting the hell out 
of Dodge thing . . .

One of the gifts of additional 
b-days has to do with the total 
gusto of being homebodies. 
So delish in fact, that if there 
were no need to grab some 
sustenance, one might never 
leave the proverbial nest.

I recognize that it would be quite
easy to become insular. On the
the other hand, balance does tend
to demand its own attention.

Love it when fam, friends and 
foe come knocking at my door; 
such fun to shoot the breeze with 
brewskis in hand.

Why is it that the road no longer 
beckons?! Perhaps living a bit off 
the grid, as well as a slightly lighter 
purse, just might have something 
to do with it. 

Methinks a change of pace is in
order. Trips both North and West
would delight me in visits with
the progeny, loves of my life that
they be. Might even succumb to
the temptation of the odd antique
store or two. Hands tied behind
my back, of course!

let me strut my stuff
methinks a trips in order
any excuse works

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