Aug 15, 2022


No can do believe it . . . 
Last night I dreamt of going to
summer church camp meeting.
Unbelievable . . .

The excitement prior to the trip,
the getting ready, packing and
driving for hours and hours! I
really thought we'd never get
there, but finally . . .

Seemed dad and mom took 
hours to set up the tent. Those
old army tents were so different 
than these easy, lightweight 
tents we have today . . . to say
nothing of the weight.

Once up and moved in, Dad
would take us around the tent
village. Lots of greetings thrown
about; slaps on the back and hugs.

There would always be amazing
potluck picnics. It was interesting
to a child to spy different kinds of
foods, especially desserts. Yum!

Then, gathering in a humungous
tent for the evening sermon. That
was the only part I didn't like. I
usually fell asleep within minutes
of the first hymn dying out.

In my old age, can't help but
wonder if something along these
lines exist in the esoteric world.
Methinks might be called Renn
Fair, or some such.

wine women and song
love me some summer campouts
what say you we go

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