Aug 31, 2022


Oh my God . . . what a . . . 

8:30 this a.m. and the yard
was simply filled with elk.
It had to be the entire herd.
Countless numbers . . .

Perhaps the most impressive
member of the tribe was a
gynormous bull elk, hugest
antlers I'm ever seen, with at
least six points. His counter
part, was a young bull with
his first single spike.

There was a mom with two
calves, still in their spot mode.
Dozens and dozens of elk
everywhere you looked. An
amazing, stunning experience.

When they finally moved on,
you could actually smell the
scent, or maybe I should say
stench, of all that the elk left 
behind. They were, after all,
in front, back and side yards!

I feel ever so blest to have
had this experience. I rather
yearn to experience it again.

our animal kind
amazing experience 
life to the fullest

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