Aug 4, 2022


In my dream, a few of us
were sitting around what
appeared to be a conference
table of some sort. Those
of us who were visiting,
didn't know each other.

Obviously, we were assailed
with a myriad of feelings . . .
curiosity, fear of the unknown,
wonder. "What was this and
how did we get here. And,
who the hell were these sages?"

The sages, as I seemed to 
think of them, continued
their quiet conversation as
if we weren't even there. A
young boy, apparently braver
than the rest of us, spoke up.

"What's the deal? Why are we
here?" The elder seemed startled 
at the interruption, but answered. 
"You are each here because of 
the queries you've made in your 

"You will stay a while, journey 
in pairs, and seek the answers 
you are searching for." By now, 
we're all open mouthed! And 
you'll never guess who I was 
paired with?! The young teen, 
obviously . . .

Alas, I awoke at this point. Still,
methinks there's a message in
there. Sooooo hope I'm paying
attention! Wow! Just W O W !!!

find myself longing
such wisdom of the ages
will i ever know

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