Aug 31, 2022


"I like messy people, people
who don't fit into a box or stay 
between the lines, but whose
integrity is greater than any
rule book and whose loyalty 
is stronger than blood." 
~Jim Wern

Such a sweet surprise . . .

My longtime birthday twin, 
albeit a decade younger,  
surprised us with an amazing 
home cooked meal this eve.

I've never experienced an
event quite like this one.
Visiting together, having this
spectacular meal brought to
our table, ending with a fab 
dessert and more sharing in
the afters . . .

Friendship simply fascinates
me. I find the subtle changes 
that come with the advancing
years most interesting. 

Some have moved on, albeit
physically or emotionally. 
Others remain in the loop via
the odd call, correspondence,
or visits. Still others will ever
and always wend their way

Bright blessings, Gypsy!

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