Aug 22, 2022


"I will be okay . . . 
Not right now, 
but I will be okay . . .
~berkana vuno

A dichotomy isn't it?
Light spring showers,
but dark autumn rains . . .
The former brings such joy;
the latter fuels depression.

Yet, there is something
amazing in witnessing a
fierce summer storm. It's
rather incredible how hard,
fast and furious it can pour,
then suddenly, it slams on
the brakes and the sun struts
his stuff.

I have come to understand,
Seasonal Affective Disorder,
SAD, is a malady to be dealt
with as there is no cure. I've
received such fab ideas from
family and friends as to how
to cope.

It's important to have a list
and check it twice, with my
apologies to Santa. When 
wanting nothing more than 
to exit life, the energy to
combat this ghastly affliction
simply isn't there.

Bless you all for helping me
to create combat strategies;
pray I have the wherewithal
to try them on for size . . .

color me helpless
mr sun pray come to me
so need your blue skies 

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