Aug 10, 2022


There we were, standing there,
receiving our new teach instruction.
She had taught umpteen years in
Canada as I had in Mexico.

Neither of us knew anyone . . . 
and it's not everyday that you go 
to a new country, a new teaching
assignment, even though you're
a seasoned teacher.

Methinks we were given a gift 
of the Universe, coming home 
as it were and finding a most 
wondrous teaching position. 
Know this: I loved teaching and 
sharing in Commerce City, CO, 
for 23 years; make no mistake!!!

Still, she, Art . . . me, Lang Arts, 
in both languages . . . Spanish and
English. What a duo! I look at us
lo these 33 years later and have to 
give thanks to the universe for an 
amazing friendship I would never 
have had otherwise.

Today, we shared a lunch, chat and
remembrances . . . what a gift! I have 
to wonder, though, how many of us 
are gifted with friendships such as 

I bow to the Universe for its gifts. 
Pray I ever be grateful!!!

you so touched my soul
gift ever to be given
pray stay in my life

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