Aug 1, 2022


Comings and goings . . .
So love me the anticipation
of the long awaited arrival
of a good friend.

There's the whole planning
element, the getting ready,
and finally . . . the actual day!
The hours of waiting on said
day, are the longest hours in
the history of mankind . . .
I swear it!

Spying her from afar, seeing
she has arrived safely, that
first glorious hug! Wondrous!
And then comes the catching
up, tripping over each other's
words in the eagerness of
getting a word in edgewise. 

Each day is enjoyed, treasured.
And how quickly they pass.
Unbelievable! And finally, time
is up. Which is as it should be.
I so get it. Still . . .

Load the car, get to the station.
Encounter a horrific accident on
the way with over a dozen police
cars and emergency vehicles.  And 
yet, no matter how badly you feel 
for those involved, your worry is 
all about the fear that you'll miss 
the scheduled time of departure.

Somehow you make it; praise the
gods! And then . . . that last good
bye hug and watch her walk away.
Tears on the way home and the
exhaustion that emotional sorrow
brings . . .

Ah, such is friendship of the ages!

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