Jul 31, 2022


Methinks anyone who
believes all seasons are
of equal length are
seriously confused! Or
am I mistaken that we're
just saying goodbye to
two thirds of summer?!

I intend to give some 
proper thought to how 
I want to spend August.
Obviously, visits to all
the kids are in order. Not
to forget I'm getting a tat
a week from today. That
will make 15! Yay!

I really have this urge to
go on a picnic. I've been
talking about it for a couple
of months and still haven't
done it. 'Tis high time!

I want to take a ride . . .
something we haven't done
since gas turned into a high
jacker! I love rides . . . a gift
from the fifties. Watching
the leaves begin to change
is also a fave of mine.

birthdays in july
fondly remembering you
visits from the past

Not to forget visits from
friends. Do come on by.
Sooooo, goodbye July and
hello August . . .

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