Aug 11, 2022


I swear, I'm going to get that
bear if it's the last thing I do!

Sooooo love watching him walk
through my yard, just sauntering
along, minding his own business.
Or, would that be mine?!

Still, from time to time, he seems 
to feel the need to spew my trash
all over kingdom come. And, you
don't get three guesses as to who
gets to clean it all up!

Methinks, he's sitting somewhere
on the side having a great fit of 
the giggles! What kills me is that
I have it supremely tied down w/
bungie cords. He just pushes the
lid asunder and wreaks havoc!

Had to run to town and whilst
parking the pickup, saw more
bags up the hill. Not being able
to navigate the height, my poor
guy had to hike up and get the

Damn him; he's one busy little
beaver . . . not so little either!

naughty little guy
pick up your toys already
you are so grounded

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