Aug 19, 2022


Have to ask myself . . . 
What is my fascination
with murder mysteries?!

Love mysteries; page turners,
both books and movies! So
enjoy watching the movies 
with my guy! Then, if he falls 
asleep before I do, 'tis open
those delish pages.

Still, methinks 'tis high time
for me to have a look-see at
the attraction. Not that I have 
to go back to childhood Disney
flicks. Not sure I could do a 
whole lot of travel flicks or 
comedies either.

I am rather glad that I like flicks
like Monk, NCIS, Bones, etc. 
So I'm thinking, at least I have
no taste for the heinous! And,
for that I am glad. I leave that
genre to my kids . . .

Rather leaves me with that ole
idea that the answer might reside
in self acceptance! Just going to
get over it and enjoy my murders,
uhhhhh . . . I mean my murder 

murder or mayhem
eeny meeny miny moe
just solve the intrigue 

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