Aug 20, 2022


"Irene Woodward, tattooed lady,
was the daughter of a sailor who
began the tattooing when she was
6 years of age and finished when
she was 12." The New York Times

Methinks I may have gotten the
last of my tats yesterday. Here's
hoping! 17 tats plus1 hidden may
mark the end of my sojourn into
the world of the Tattooed Lady.

My tattoo artist, amazing over
the years, has helped me create 
my dream. 13 wild cats, each 
of a different species, two maps
of my creed and two for daily
meditation purposes. Such fun!

The pain notwithstanding, hasn't
kept me from enjoying the results.
I've heard that tattooing can be
addictive. Methinks starting at
40 and ending at 70 doesn't
necessarily mean I'll be going
under the needle anytime again

I've so liked getting acquainted
with my tattoo artist and his fam,
a sweet young woman and baby.
I commend him for his art, his
knowledge, his patience.

stranger and stranger
heres to the tattooed lady
pray may i indulge

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