Aug 23, 2022


I find myself missing Mother,
Mother Nature . . .

Pantheism, the path I follow,
honors her ever and always.
I look back to my childhood;
the rides, hiking, camping . . .
Oh how I loved it all. My dad,
a Panentheist, truly made sure
we spent a great deal of time 
in our Mother's lairs!

Today, about a hundred years
later, I do find myself missing
those most wondrous forays
into her world. It hurts to admit
it, but I no longer have the 
energy to hike. Praise the gods
I can still enjoy rides. And I'd
be the first to admit, camping
in a travel trailer sure beats 
sleeping on the floor of a tent.

So I ask myself, how can I
enjoy her at this age? What's
left for me now that I can't do
the things I used to enjoy? I
know with the pice of gasoline
my sig-o doesn't like to take
rides very often. But, I can read!

There are phenomenal books
magazines, brochures, and not
to forget nature documentaries.
Maybe none of these are the 
real McCoy, but I am grateful
they exist; make no mistake!

the cost of aging
so loving me my mother
no longer able

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