Aug 5, 2022


Guess if you can't laugh at
yourself, who can you laugh at?

Didn't feel like washing dishes
last night, probably tired partying.
Rather glad these birthdays are
over already!!!

So, I put hot water in the dish tub
and added my usual 3 streams of
dish soap . . . only to realize I'd
added coffee creamer instead. 
I'd like to ask what this world is 
coming to, but, I fear just might 
be my own aging.  Still, I intend 
to blame it on my own sleepy head 
as I really hadn't woken up yet!

I also entertain the idea that these
silly happenings can be good
learning lessons. It's up to us to
implement them! So, what am I
to learn from my own craziness?

Methinks, paying attention to 
business might be a good start. 
I fear, I tend to live more in my 
head than in real life. If these 
wake up calls didn't happen from 
time to time, I would not get it!

So, here's me listening up Universe!
What is it you'd like to tell me?
What would you like me to know?

find myself longing
such wisdom of the ages
will i ever know

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