Aug 13, 2022


What is it about candles?

Got a call from my cohort in 
crime yesterday. She then
proceeds to tell me a fun story 
about candles. 

Seems she was driving along
minding her own business, 
when she spied a box by the
side of the road. As it was
marked free, she stopped to
take a look-see. 

A box of candles . . . how fun,
especially as she burns them 
every day. Different sizes, 
different colors, some new, 
some used. In the joy of her 
find, I started musing about 

In my own life, I burn candles
for any reason I can come up
with. But, who needs a reason

There's nothing quite like being
in front of my fireplace with 
five or six candles adding to the 
romance of the moment. I like 
to fall asleep at night with a
couple of votives burning by 
my bedside.

I would swear that eating at
the table demands several
candles to add to the mood. 
And speaking of moods . . .
good or bad, candles can only 
enhance the moment. 

Think I'll light one now . . .

let the candles burn
tis soothing all my heartbreak
balm in gilead 

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