Aug 29, 2022


Alas, 'tis time once again . . .
Goodbyes are ever so much
harder than hellos, right?!

We like to make the rounds 
of the kids during the summer
months as we oldsters find it
harder to get out in winter.

We always find it surprising
how much the grandkids
have grown and that they're
enjoying the new school year.

Days of yore reflect families
living closer together. But 
in today's world, we all have
relatives all over kingdom
come. Rather breaks my heart
that we don't get to see each
other much.

And I've noticed, the older we
get, the smaller our geographic
circles. Can't help but wonder 
if this is part of the evolution 
of aging . . . maybe an attempt 
to keep us safer.

Sooooo, although my body be
somewhat indolent, my heart
is ever and always in theirs . . .

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