Aug 8, 2022


Monday morning coming down . . .
I'm absolutely certain Johnny Cash
meant Monday, not Sunday.

We had such a wonderful few days
with the kids. And then, a day of
travel and tats. I cannot reiterate
enough just how much I enjoy a 
good restful Monday!

Sleep in . . . ice cream in bed . . .
a couple of good murder mysteries.
Wasn't I just saying how phenom
glorious Mondays can be! Methinks
celebrating Monday on Tuesday is a
rather good idea. I might just need
an additional Monday in the week.

I've had this true conversion . . .
Growing up, I always had a hard 
time with Mondays. Most likely,
it had something to do with crazy
weekends and needing to recoup.

Now that I'm about a 100 years
old and retired, I love Mondays.
My nature would be to plan the
hell out of all my upcoming 
Mondays. I sooooo need to learn
to let things happen rather than
simply planning them to death.

So today Tuesday, my second
Monday of the week, I'm going
to simply let the day unfold and
enjoy it . . .

loving me mondays
tuesday morning coming down
have another one

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