Aug 3, 2022


All Quiet on the Western Front
~Erich Maria Remarque

Maybe too quiet . . . 

I chose, quite happily I might 
add, to experience cabin life. 
I had no idea what I was getting 
us into; it's been most interesting.

Interesting in that there's been
so much to do, repair, fix up,
make livable . . . my guy has 
been a champ and an absolute 
godsend all the way. 

I feel so fortunate that friends
drop by from time to time. 
Methinks I might just curl up 
and die without this human 

During the summer, we each
host a celebration. My man 
throws a fab family b-day do.
A few days later, my sisters
join me for Lughnasadh, the
beginning of harvest season.

And now, the lull in the afters.
There is a certain amount of
joy remembering, processing.
In the silence, we hear the pond,
the birds chirping or singing.
Funny how I'm able to exclude
those ghastly traffic noises.

Still, can't help but ask myself,
"Now what?" Obviously, these
mysteries will sort themselves
out, but I'd be lying if I didn't 
admit to being curious!

Can't help but wonder, will you
be one of my summer surprises?

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