Jun 29, 2022


Today ends my ale fast . . . 
as I tend to think of it!

Each year, I abstain from drinks
the months of January, May and
September. This year though, 
I chose June as my mid month.

It's been interesting . . . I find 
I haven't missed the drinking 
at all, it's the social side I miss. 
You know, you get together w/
family, friends, neighbors . . .
and per se, alcohol is involved.

Wine, beer, shots, mixed drinks,
all fun and games at parties. Alas,
there are times when those delish
cocktails overtake the common 
sense of the partaker. Methinks we
all strive to avoid that catastrophe.

So today, I intend to spend some
time seriously thinking about just
how I resume holding my infamous
margs in hand! I so pray I have the 
good sense to be careful, sensible . . . 
even abstain several days a week!

ever so thirsty
so what you having darling
throw caution windward

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