Jun 4, 2022


Don't hold your breath, but
I may be re-entering the land
of the living today. It's been
a long haul.

Not used to being sick, it's
been a bit more than no fun!
It's one thing to spend a day
abed with a fave book, the 
odd movie, a box of chocs
and a drink most delish. The
whole days abed thing, cos 
the doc told you to . . . not 
so much!

So, methinks a look-see into
future plans as I missed so 
many, might just be in order.

Looking forward to laying
eyes on our friends would 
be the first, maybe going 
out to eat, or perhaps, the
operative words would
simply be GETTING OUT.

Feel free to put your notes
in the suggestion box; I can
always use those . . .

tossing and turning
i may have bed sores by now
can i get up now

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