Jun 16, 2022

06/16/2022 - Biz on my mind . . .

Every now and then, there's one
of those special souls that touch
our lives. Looking back . . .

I can still remember my dog,
Wags, and I was only two and
three. Then, there was Tippy,
one of the great loves of my 

One of my fave memories . . .
Tippy running around in her
pack. There was my Tom
turkey, my white goose, a
black hen . . . "last of the
Mohicans" as it were. They
went everywhere together!

But once my brother got his
seeing-eye dogs, we were no
longer allowed to have dogs . . .
so cats it was! 

Tiger was an ole fave. He'd 
have breakfast at home, then
go on over to our neighbors.
Up the hill for freshly milked
and separated cream, proceed 
next door for a fresh raw egg 
and lastly end up down the hill 
for cooked scraps. Just ask me 
if Tiger wasn't a proper celeb 
in the neighborhood?!

Then there's the loss . . . as 
a child, the grief was beyond
overwhelming. Still, sooner
or later, our hearts would be
opened to another pet.

Biz is still with us, but perhaps
saying goodbye soon. I find I
need to honor this wondrous
friend and the man who has
loved him lo these many years.

May your precious memories
ever console you . . .

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