Jun 7, 2022


"Getting old isn't for sissies.
The changes we cope with are
in our bodies, minds, emotions,
and social network and they 
happen steadily. We keep having
to make courage and adapt to new
circumstances. This is invisible to
most of the world. What do you
want to be acknowledged for?"
The Defiant Crone

Good food for thought! Excellent,
actually! I have to laugh . . . or I'd
cry, this is my first year for joint
pain . . . guess it happens in the
best of families!

Still, I'm thinking it's all about
considering the alternative. What's
a few pains next to not living any
more?! I actually know people 
who count the days, hoping for a
soon ending. 

I count the days I've been gifted 
beyond the death sentence! I'd
be lying if I didn't admit to being
a bit frightened of my upcoming
demise . . . but I think enjoying
whatever time the gods have
granted us is where the magick

Rather makes me wonder why I
insist on taking three months of
abstinence out of each year just
to make certain I'm not an alkie!

Methinks I'm just trying to be a
right-living woman! Ha!

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