Jun 25, 2022


A weekend with family . . .  and
I find myself unexpectedly moved!

One appreciates relatives, honors 
them, loves them from afar . . . 
but on those rare occasions when
a get together is planned and works
out . . . 'tis perfection indeed.

I find myself looking at things from
a slightly different perspective. Aha
moments, precious understandings 
and the resulting chuckles or tears,
are gifts indeed; make no mistake!

I recognize that vast geographical
distances play a role in families.
We tend to have greater familial 
type relationships with close friends 
who live nearby as this is indeed

I wonder if harking back to days 
of yesteryear with phone calls, cards
and letters wouldn't bring a greater

Methinks a concerted effort may be
what is needed. An effort to stay in
touch as well as making a point to
reunite from time to time.

I do recognize the importance of this.
And, I wish to follow my own advice.
My family is worth staying in touch.
Honoring them is important. And,
I love them . . .

pray come sit with me
let's have a little look see
shall we go forward

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