Jun 21, 2022

06/21/2022 - Summer Solstice

"Midsummer, the Summer
Solstice, also known as Litha,
arrives when the powers of
nature reach their highest
point. The earth is awash in
the fertility of the Goddess
and God". ~Scott Cunningham
I am ever so enamored with 
any and everything that has to 
do with the warmth of summer.
I feel like dancing!

Today is the longest day of the
year. Methinks 'tis all about
celebrating hot . . . summer
heat, body heat, that slow fire
that burns between lovers and
makes friendship what it is.

Alas from here, the days begin
to shorten as they approach fall
and winter. But, I am determined
not to dwell on that. I wish to
relish each and every day of sun
and warmth. I have a feeling that
this summer is to be the summer
of all summers.

Let's stroll through the upcoming
summer evenings with family and
friends . . . gatherings, cookouts, 
parties, sharing a pitcher or a few

Mr. Summer will bid his adieu soon
enough. We have six weeks in which 
to revel in the joys of this delightful 

Let's not waste a single moment . . .

long awaited sun
pray do not depart too soon
sol man come to moi

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