Jun 1, 2022


It all started innocently enough.

We invited our good friends 
over for drinks in the afternoon. 
My guy was having a bit of the 
ole hay fever . . . but, we didn't 
think anything about it. It's not 
contagious after all.

We had a few brewskies, caught 
each other up on our news as we 
hadn't been in touch for a bit. I 
recall thinking I didn't want them 
to leave; we were having such a 
good time!

Next day, my own fam came 
in from parts unknown, sooooo
celebrations continued. I much
enjoyed catching up, both w/
our friends the day before and
my family the following.

More fam b-days awaited us
over the weekend. But, by then 
we'd given up the whole hay 
fever theory and recognized 
what we thought were colds.

Wayyyyy tooooo easy! Too
many indicators of the plague.
We had to wait until the holiday
weekend ended as CO School
of Mines was on scholastic
leave for the weekend.

I find it all a bit scary now,
sitting here watching the rain 
and worrying whether or not we
indeed have COVID. Methinks
'twould have been a good time
for instant gratification!!!

Still, at least we've been tested . . .

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