Jun 18, 2022


You know, you spend your 
whole life on some kind of 
sleep schedule . . .

Obviously, parents downright 
beg, pray, promise the universe
anything, in hopes their babies
can sleep. Alas, no rest for the 

Then, from the time children 
enter pre-school until they are
actually retired from the work
force about 60 years later, sleep 
is pretty much ordained by God
and the alarm clock.

At last, retirement comes along 
to party and messes with every-
thing! You actually get to sleep
in, stay up late if you so wish,
take a nap or not! And all of a 
sudden, about 65 years of sleep
habits are blown to bits.

Anything from all nighters to
all dayers, now govern the latter
part of our lives . . . and sleep
pays the price.

Not sure that it matters at all.
Still, part of me wishes this 
had all happened when I was
a partying teenager rather than
a sleep deprived oldster!

It's about 1:00 in the morning;
anyone want to come on over 
for whatevers?! Let's see, we
could play cards, have chat
and drinks, throw a pizza in 
the oven or even dance in the 

Hey, we're retired and sure as
hell NOT sleeping!!! Let's do

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