Jun 14, 2022


"You can't make someone love 
you by giving them more of what 
they already don't appreciate."
~Annie C. White

I know that I am loved, well loved
in fact. It's just that sometimes I'm
in a space where I need to be told,
or reminded. 

In our society, the words come
easily and often . . . alas, they may
have come to mean less over time.

An aside . . . During my twenty
years in Mexico, I learned from 
this mantra . . . "Love people; like 

I find myself pondering, "Just how
can I use these words in such a way
that they are real, full of meaning?"

Something that comes to mind . . .
Be more interested in showing love
than speaking of it. Walk the path,
rather than talking about it.

It comes to me that I should be much
more worried about loving others
rather than being worried about being
loved. That's the real gift . . .

love the great unknown
loving you is loving me
choose love every time

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