Jun 8, 2022


"Lions and tigers and bears,
oh my!" Wizard of Oz, 1939

Pondering fear of late . . .
can't help but wonder what
it's all about.

Was it gifted to us as a kind
of protection? An innate
detector of sorts? Or, perhaps
a more nefarious . . . enemy?

I grant you that fear is a rather
decent defense mechanism. On
the other hand, fear can literally
shield us from that greater
experience called life. And, of
what value is life if it's replaced
with merely existing?!

Methinks fear has its place; 
I'm not questioning that. But, 
one should be the master and 
not the servant of this oh so 
powerful malady. 

Perhaps, recognizing fear for
what it is, honoring it as a 
shield is a plausible possibility.
But, it is not to be placed on
a throne, catered to, exalted!

Bottom line, it's about sussing
out who is the master and who
is the servant. For me, I wish
to be, ever and always, the
master of my own destiny.
Still, I am grateful that fear
always gives me the ole 
heads up!

ever present fear
you may sit at my table
but not at the head

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