Jun 20, 2022


I am loving the anticipation
of today! 'Tis the eve of our
Summer Solstice, otherwise
known as Litha. Not to forget,
the longest day of the year.

Awaking early, divining the
gifts the day may bring . . .
ever so delicious. A day of
warmth, means some time
spent outside.

Another delight, a colleague
of yesteryear is joining me. 
A time to catch up, share a bit 
of food, spend the afternoon in
learning. Frankly, joy beyond 

I wish to enjoy every single
moment of the day, cherish
them and recall them upon
demand. Precious memories
can sustain; make no mistake!

And, to think 'tis only the eve
and the morrow awaits . . .

summer a long time coming
delights awaiting

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