Jun 5, 2022

06/05/2022 - Earth Mother Day

Remembering that Earth Day
was established on April 22,
1970, we've been celebrating
it for 50 years. Having said
that, not many realize that
June 5th, is also an Earth Day
of sorts.

It has been referred to as World
Environment Day. It has also
been called Mother Earth's
Pantheistic celebration. Save
the world is a slogan often used.

For me, this is simply one more
opportunity for all to remember
our Mother Earth. It's a time in
which we can ponder what we
can give back.

It rather boils down to those 
small things we don't pay 
enough attention to. Plastic
utensils and paper plates 
rather than washing dishes, 
paper towels instead of dish
rags, carrying our own bags
for shopping, all good ideas.

I recall writing about these
and other thoughts around
Earth Day. Still, it takes more
than talking, it takes a serious
commitment for action. 

Yet, I know we can do more
than the small things. We can
work towards cleaning up our
racial messes, time we did
something about the poverty
that surrounds us and we need
to bite the bullet when it comes
to abuse of all kinds!

Let's do this! Let's do more
than honor April 22nd and 
June 5th. Let's actually go
the distance, do whatever is
within our power to make a

making a promise
might be just little ole me
im making changes

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