Jun 21, 2022


'Tis the morning of the day after
and I'm just not quite ready to say

Still, I do love that we're in the 2nd
day of summer, that second day in
a six week period . . . and I intend
to enjoy every single day of it!

Thinking here . . . just how am I
going to celebrate these hot climate 
days . . . let me think! 

The first thing that comes to mind is 
getting my ass outside for a change. 
I rather loathe just how used I get to 
staying indoors over the winter and 
early spring!

Next, I want to see if my legs still
work . . . maybe the odd walk or two,
just as long as they are no longer
than to the mailbox!!! Right?!

Not to forget that I have this sweet
little basket sitting at the ready just
waiting for a picnic to happen!!! I've
been hankering after a picnic for so
long, I'm not certain what one even
looks like at this point!

I find my calendar filling up . . . seems
to me that I'm going to soon lay eyes
on fam and friends. It's been a long
couple of years or so with that dreaded
plague on our hands.

Damn! It's summer time and the livin'
is easy . . . Thank you Louie Armstrong!
And, I want to live it every single day!
To hell with just existing . . .

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