Jun 6, 2022


I'm almost scared to call it for
fear of jinxing it, but methinks
spring may have finally sprung.

It's bright and sunny outdoors
with a rather high forecast, along
with my own high hopes, on the
the horizon! Yayyyyy . . .

Sooooo, I'm all about thinking 
up some naughties to do today.
One thing for certain, I'm sitting
outside for a long while.

With some heat on the horizon,
so many lovlies come to mind.
Let me think, at nigh onto a 100 
years old, I can go surfing, climb
our mountain, chase the elk out
of the yard . . . hummmmm . . .
think I'll just have a long sit by
the pond and think of margs as I
won't be drinking them! Ha!

On a more serious note, Spring's
beauty, Summer's heat, Autumn's
colors . . . all lend themselves to
healing our souls of that prolonged
dark we've just lived through. My
apologies to Winter Buffs; I know
skiing and other Winter sports are 

Allow me to raise my empty glass
in a toast to the upcoming fun of
these warm months ahead! 


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