Jun 28, 2022


Color me awaiting July . . .
Sooooo can hardly wait!

And of course, there's always 
our 4th of July celebrations. 
I'm looking skyward even as 
we speak!

July means so many things
to so many people. Birthdays 
ahoy . . . my guy, my bro, my 
dad! And what celebrations 

Then, there's the heat, as little 
clothing as possible, followed
by being burned excessively!
Certainly awakens a thirst for
that ice cold brewski!

My fave may be July moons; 
the 13th - full Thunder Moon, 
and the 28th - the new moon. 
I so love my moons . . . Notice
there're all mine; must mean
I'm loony tunes!

For me though, July is a fave
because of the warmth. I so
suffer during the cold, dark,
months. I feel quite healed in
the heat of summer! If I had
my way, summer would last
twice as long as winter.

Just think, only two more 
days . . .

pray bring on the heat
long awaiting my summer
will it never come

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