Jun 12, 2022


Then there's that every once
in a while . . .

What a ghastly day yesterday
turned out to be. Naturally,
there's all that hustle and
bustle whilst getting ready
for any road trip. Add in the 
stress of just trying to get
there, wherever there is!

Each one thinks they know
how to get there and of course
this not only differs from each
other, but also from that 
English gal who lives inside
the GPS.

Sooooo not cognizant of any
reason why this should be the
foundation of a good round,
but it is. Methinks 'tis the end
of the match; somebody ring
the bell, please!

We finally make it, go figure!
The day continues in its vein;
no electricity, no water . . .
"no phone, no food, no pets."
Where's Roger Miller when
you need him?!

Still, families rally, don't they?!
Pick up some pizza, turn on
the campfire, grab a beer and
tell tales out of school. What
may have been a god awful
day, turns out to be one of
the best evenings ever.

Ain't life grand?!

crazy days and nights
so not what I expected
'tis fun nonetheless

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