Mar 31, 2021

04/01/2021 - April Fool's Day

Oh the kaleidoscope of memories 
spiraling through my mind . . .

Not exactly sure why, but this a.m.
I find myself recalling a certain
childhood prank . . .

I had it all planned out. I woke up
early, sauntered into the kitchen all
sleepy eyed where my mother was
preparing breakfast. All of a sudden,
I stepped back, pointed and screamed, 
"Eek a mouse!" I swear, my mother 
must have jumped two feet. Poor lady!

My dad was as angry as I've ever
seen him, but when I laughed and
said, "April Fool's," he got it and
let it go. My mom calmed down
a bit as well and I was assured we
would talk about the incident later
in the day.

That night after supper, they sent
my brother on to bed and talked
to me at the dinner table. Daddy
explained we had to be careful in
our jokes because someone could
get hurt.

My mother, now calm, added that
if she had heart problems, my
April Fool's joke could have
caused her to have a heart attack.
Actually, I think that was my one
and only foray into the whole
April 1st thing . . .

maybe i shouldnt
of perilous jests i sing
know what today is

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