Mar 5, 2021

03/05/2021 (#20 NO WATER)

The term souvenir has only just been
revisited upon me. In my world travels 
of yesteryear, I never fell for anything
touristy, nor ordinary . . .

But, when I see it, I see it! An unusual
piece of material, an eye-catching mug,
a weird piece of jewelry; such fun!
Rather like that wee bit of seasoning on  
an otherwise perfect dish!

I'll fess up right now, there is nothing 
quite as alluring to me as the town
mercado. I would swear before local
authorities, personal invites have been 
sent me from all over kingdom come!

The cacophony of sounds, the banquet
of scents, the artist's pallets of color . . .
pure orgasmic joy!

Alas, as I no longer travel afar . . . 
thank the gods for 2nd. hand stores!

romance of the trek
a true seduction of sorts
delight my senses

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