Mar 1, 2021

03/01/2021 (#16 NO WATER)

It has always felt to me that the first
day of each month is like a new
beginning. And, me thinks 'tis new 
beginnings we all need! Thank the
gods there are a dozen of them!

Obviously, we've only had two new
beginnings so far this year. I do recall
writing out dozens of resolutions and
narrowing them down to only three.

Partly, three is my magic number, but
it's also about all I can handle. This
year, I'm thinking of revisiting those
three at the beginning of each month.

Truly, checking in regularly could
serve to keep me on track with my 
own aspirations. They could even
be tweaked a tad here and there . . .
 . . . Nahhhhh!!!
be true to myself
honor all my family 
ever faithful friend 

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