Mar 3, 2021

03/03/2021 (#18 NO WATER)

I am invincible, unassailable, unbeatable . . . 
I have been vacced up the ying-yang. Pray
this makes me safe to receive my peeps!

I find myself just fine with the COVID 19 
vaccinations for elders only just coming up. 
Frankly, I needed to think about all this for 
a bit. Imagine living a full year in this god
awful plague and then passing onto the 
better life from the vacc.

I would have to admit, the one thing I 
really look forward to is getting out more.
Much as I enjoy solitude, wine by the fire,
and the company of my lover . . . getting 
on the road from time to time is important.
In fact, I'm not even sure I recall what the
road looks like!

Harking back to getting the Smallpox vacc
as kids, living through the fear of AIDS,
and the Swine Flu just a few years ago, me
thinks we're up for dealing with the plague.
In fact, like it or not, we are dealing with it.

Still, I can't help but wonder if these illnesses
have something to do with our population 
control. I pray not, but . . .

pray come and visit
sit a bit by the hot fire 
warm brandy perhaps

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