Mar 30, 2021


The realization that we've just lived
through three months of 2021 . . .
and I still seem to be overwhelmed 
with the happenings of 2020, is more
than a bit scary.

It occurs to me that we're not talking
about 2020 and 2021 as two separate
years. Rather, a time of a world wide
plague that transcends the borders of
a two year period. Perhaps, we could
refer to this historical period as . . .
COVID  in; COVID out.

The anxiety and fear of catching the
the plague has diminished greatly
since my guy and I have had the two
vacs. However, I just read yesterday
that a friend of mine is way down on 
a list of 3,000 sign ups for said vac.

There certainly are more questions
than answers. Still, it occurs to me
that perhaps these diseases that tend
to plague us every so many years, 
might have something to do with 
over population. Could it actually 
be possible?

am still questioning 
life and death and in between
who has the answers

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